How did you play?



  • Ur ended about two months after I discovered it, so I was still (and am) a newb. I mainly wandered around the world hording as I pleased, taking care my animals, and trying to be a cooking photographer. I never got the chance to make many friends, but I did spend some time with the awesome people--shout out to Pinkie Pinkston if you're here!-- who took care of me when I went into the trading chat to buy salt XD
  • I was largely a solitary player, but I would chat sometimes to random glitchen, and go to some parties, and take part in rook attacks. One of my favourite activities was going to the ancestral lands at times when no one else was around... but there would always be some other sneaky person there too! :) I was obsessed with levelling up and getting new skills, as well as exploring every place I could get to.
  • I was also a loner. I used to do almost everything by myself, when I was not helping my wife (to overcome the language barrier). Loved gardening and building and cooking. But I was a weird loner since I liked to write random verses and throw them in lonely streets, or in hidden corners, so other players would find them. I also would leave some food there for the others to eat. It was fun of others finding the messages and reading them or eating my food wondering who on Ur let it there. Well, now I guess it's not a secret but, well xD.
  • edited March 2015
    I played with my twin sister, we shared one character and would make shopping lists of ingredients we needed, built a little herb lab and mined in those popular places where you needed keys(forgot the names, one was alayja bliss?) and participated in cube races. We can't wait till it comes back again. won't be sharing accounts again though!
  • I played with my older brother :3
    We had lots of fun
  • I played mostly on my own, but would occasionally run into friends from another corner of the internet (who got me into Glitch originally). I wasn't exactly the most sociable player, but I did set up a food pile (with occasional bonus presents) on my home street for anyone who dropped by.
  • I'm socially awkward, even in games. Might be because I'm on the autistic spectrum.

    On one hand, I like people and I would love to be helpful and sneak gifts when I can, but on the other hand I am profoundly uncomfortable when interacting with others.

    This resulted in me mostly wandering around, occasionally doing stuff with my in-game friends, only to duck into my home when I ran out of social stamina. My playing style has always been, as far as I can tell, to sway between lonely wandering and seeking company for short periods of time.

    Luckily, Glitch doesn't force people into tight little groups where you have to do things together. There are quests and achievements you can only get in a group, but there are also quests and badges you get alone.
    It's another great aspect of the game, the community is there and it's great, but you can play solo if you want.
  • I played alone or got friends to join me from other sites. I think I brought quite a few people I was friends with on other games over to Glitch and we all had a blast playing together.
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