How did you play?



  • I usually played alone. I ran everywhere and petted all the trees.
    I always felt awkward when I went to parties. I always felt the conversations went by too fast or over my head. I never got the in jokes even now sometimes, i still don't get a lot of what's going on.
    I helped people when they needed it. I gave stuff candidly.

  • I got into the game when I saw some posts on Twitter about it. No one special but it sounded fun. So like most people seem to be saying I played alone for the most part running around petting trees and generally just working on achievements and quests cause who can resist a clear goal like that? When I ran into people doing something group goal thing. I would jump in and help. It's a game that just promotes being nice so well you feel like you know almost know everyone you pass and being social isnb't hard at all. I miss it.
  • I played alone for a while. I was a hoarder mostly, that's how I'd describe my playing style. I had a crazy amounts of everything stored up in my house. But I also finally found a good group that I had a lot of fun with, Civility. Plus everyone was always so friendly out in ur that it became second nature to chat with anybody I came across. And some of the best times were trying to coordinate quests... like herding cats!
  • I hung out in Global and tried to keep up with the crazy antics. I didn't go into the game thinking it was going to be a social experience, but found that I actually enjoyed the spontaneity of just going wherever people gathered for whatever reason. After they released towers, I put a lot of work into More Pudding Than Sense (my patisserie/bar combo) to make some currants. That saw a fair bit of traffic to my street, which was fun. Other than that I liked to throw cocktails at people as they ran past. I hated mining, I only gardened when I had to and I was slow to complete quests, but I sure brewed a lot of hooch!
  • I'm awfully shy and English isn't my native language, so I didn't interact much with other people. In retrospect, I regret not joining the conversations in chat more often, I kinda wish I had made some glitchen friends.
    Aside from that, I really enjoyed exploring, cooking and tending my herb garden! The special events were pretty fun too :)
  • First off, shocked to see how many loners we have here...but I'm quite encouraged by it. :)

    Since I came into the game in late Alpha with a few hundred of my MMO friends from Faunasphere (FS) after it shut down, I had an insta-circle of friends in game, which was awesome (especially when the original Alphas weren't thrilled with our recommendations/comments in the forums, we knew we had a solid group of support from a formerly great game which was closed based primarily on egos, not on any gaming issues).

    However, being a complete loner/introvert myself, I would often be quite overwhelmed with always being included in various group activities (I can't tell you how many times I'd pop on and have invites to party packs within a few minutes of logging in, and I always felt horrible for declining).

    So, when we got the okay to have alts/mules, I think I became the queen of alts. Especially since I had a core group of FS friends who always seemed to track down my alt even though I was trying to keep a low or different profile (man, I love those ladies), there are a couple that they never figured out...mwah-ha-ha.

    I did eventually join the controversial resource routes with my main account and some of my alts. I'm not sure I ever got all the training done...I guess I get a bit bored easily, and would find building a new alt and starting over with a different tactic more fun than grinding out to get some of the higher level stuff completed.

    I liked that the game had many aspects so you could specialize in different areas, and I'm tickled at so many of the wonderful responses here of things that you'd 'do solo' while still interacting with the community. I'm going to have to try a few of these out when I get back into Ur. Thanks for all the great ideas on how to help others in game without getting too socially entangled...I like the solo acts of kindness ideas.
  • I joined about six weeks before The End, so my style of play was "see as many streets as possible and get as many things accomplished as possible." I don't think I ever got to the moon or party rooms, though, or ever played a Game of Crowns. :/

    I did love jumping off the ledge in The Drop and falling foreverrrrr!
  • I have a feeling I won't have as easy time being a loner without an alt, this time around. ;)
  • edited December 2014
    I was somewhat a loaner too. I got into this game because the boyfriend was talking about it in Ventrillo one day and I thought it sounded funny so I gave it a try and some guild members from another game I play started playing as well. I was always a social butterfly though so I would hang out often in global and chat when a subject caught my interest. Otherwise I made a few friends, some I wish I still kept in touch with on my friends list from Glitch such as Pheebs for example. She was very nice and we often hung out at eachother's houses in game
  • I played alone 90% of the time. Sometimes if I needed help with a quest I would play with my sister and her friends. I did love coming home and finding a note from my sister on my street!
  • I started out as a hardcore miner - not in the crazy overcrowded ajaya bliss - but I had a few favourite spots, filling and selling element pouches to those that hated mining. Got my wife into the game after a while, although I played WAY more than her!
    Used to love wandering around searching out the high yield quoins, totally grinded my way to level 60 and once there sort of had mixed feelings of being free to do whatever I wanted but also lost because I had no purpose anymore.
    Towers soon soon sorted that and I opened Mr Mellifluous' gas emporium (fine purveyor of vapours and gasses) I had mixed feelings about the supply routes, they were a quick and easy way to fill up reserves, but IMHO kind of emptied the streets of Ur. When supplies were out in the world, Glitches seemed to have more time to chat, but on the routes they seemed to be on more of a mission. Although, that said, many of the street owners were lovely people to chef the fat with.
    I guess I was a solitary player at first, and found some groups to be quite 'closed' but bumped into familiar faces soon enough and joined a couple of small groups.
    Liked bouncing around helping others once I'd reached 60, as accruing imagination was essentially useless with nothing to spend it on, I could at least pass on the high yield locations to all the young glitches, show them the sights, give them starter packs with food and basic stuff.

    Man I miss Glitch.
  • I loved it all, solo, wandering with a friend, greeting (though I only greeted after the closing annoucement), and with my good friends in the Civility group. I don't think I was ever happier than when we'd help someone get the Kindness of Strangers or other badge that needed lots of folks to show up. :-)
  • I did a mix. I liked mining with company, but I liked randomly running around and exploring just as much (maybe more).
  • @Djabrill Heavens to Cosma! How've you been? (I used to be Girlthulhu.)
  • edited December 2014
    Oh hi! :) Pretty good- working constantly, trying not to blow away and making moves to leave the Midwest- the usual things Kansans do lol. How've you been?
  • I played with friends while they were around, or alone when they weren't. Global was often too much chat to handle while still trying to play. It was nice that so many modes of play or styles really worked and the community feel never left, even when you weren't playing with someone.
  • I would play with my cousin, my best friend in real life, my other cousin, and a couple of my closest friends in-game. I didn't really have a ton of friends, but a couple who I still remember now! I would just mess around and talk most of the time with friends while we did busy work like mining, but when I was alone I couldn't seem to stop redecorating my house/tower or buying and selling cubimals...
  • I liked to ummmmm "store stuff" ...... not hoard ...... I'm definitely not the hoarder I was (often) accused of being. Not me! Nu uh! I love hoar...ummm oooops .... collecting lots of stuff and then making, crafting and cooking in big batches .... very big batches. I basically liked doing a bit of everything though I never took much to playing with cubimals. I loved showing new players around and trying to introduce them to some of the quirkier parts of the game. I loved the follow button and neeeeed it to be in Eleven :) I loved helping others getting things together to build their towers or expand their houses. And I really liked my indoor (glitched) crop gardens :) and dancing in the attic. Oooooh and jumping from balconies with a trail of followers .... with spinach!
  • @The Pheebs - I hoarded some, especially discontinued stuff like Old Tree Poisons/Antidotes and Bricks. I also recall having a bog house full of pumpkins for awhile right after they were first released, thinking they'd be worth something (they were not).
  • I was also more loner than not. I did play with my wife though, pretty much the only MMO we've played together ever. I spent lots of time meditating (well over 503 minutes), with my favorite being finding large groups to use transcendental meditation. I was also very much a gatherer, while my wife was more into the cooking/crafting/building. We made a pretty good team.
  • I started off a loner in my earlier characters, then my last one was a bit more social and ran a store that was packed with anything and everything I could get my grubby little mitts on. I enjoyed cooking more than the other crafting. I miss it horribly. :/
  • I started out as a bog goer, in chakra phool. with my domokun hat and sherwani, i trekked through all the bog regions harvesting eggs, peat, and jellies all day long. Eventually I ventured out of the bogs when home streets arrived. I never wanted to leave, but maybe it was for the best...

    When I had a pool of cash to play with, I went to uncle friendly's emporium and cooked up a storm, sat in the auction and bought out tons of basic tree resources. By the time imagination came out I was running through the ancestral lands like a spinach eating nut, along with a few players that knew how much the quoins were giving for a certain time. I ended up donating over 25k meat tetrazzini to pot, and got 50k+ energy by singing to butterflies! I could of kept going but it backfired on me.. I was destined to roam Ur only to die by starvation, every game day. It took about 2 hours but I had to keep the routine tight. I couldn't just grind an insane amount of barnacles or rocks because then I'd be pooped for like 3-4 hours... only to pop a no-no powder every now and then for crafting/smelting/grinding/whatever. I was the 15th person to hit level 60 for exp, and the third for imagination. Some players are really good at leveling!

    Throughout all that I reported a fair bit of bugs, and that i probably should of focused more on the community than pleasing the giant of Pot.

    Can't wait to play again!
  • I mostly played on my own. But in Glitch, you can't really play on your own even if you try. As soon as I arrived, someglitch welcomed me and gave me half a dozen bags; from there, it went on. Home street projects. Fighting the rook. Group mining and digging. (Helping somebody to mine yields them extra resources. There's this mission where you have to dig all dirt from a pile within a couple of seconds; this has another use - loom is difficult to come by on your own, it's more likely when somebody helps you.) Parties. Random kindness. Not to mention that from time to time, other players would add me as a friend for no apparent reason. :-)
  • @Mike Rosoft - My guess would be that if people added you randomly it's because they either liked your name, or were working on getting the badge.
  • edited December 2014
    When i wanted solitude I'd just stick to my home and home street, and ignore Global. Overall i was pretty social though, i remember going to a few plays and a lot of parties and feats....oh feats how i wish those were around a lot earlier. Most things were casual or just to have fun in Glitch, feats were pretty damn competitive though, albeit still fun, plus we had no notice ahead of time when wed get one
  • Hmm. I had a bit of a routine. Harvest, replant, and water my gardens, then cook all I could, then give it all to newbies and random passerby as I went collecting quoins, and if I see a tree out of place, like a bubble tree in Ix, I donned my Spriggan robes and poisoned it so I could grow the proper tree there. (I always liked to wear a robe based on what I was doing; I had all the giant robes.) And all the while, I watched chat to see if there was a rook attack, and if there was, I grabbed a teleport script from one of my bags, ran over there, and was essentially a first response team. (I hoarded skills; my brain was very full!) I had a lot of fun doing all that. I was a Glitch of many talents.
  • @BaileyBindle That is basically my goal for this time around (as well as re-amassing my collection of everything on the face of Ur arranged into SDBs) :D
  • I played alone quite a bit - I used to do a lot of gardening and the like at home - and I liked wandering about, exploring. But there was a group of IRL friends who would play and we'd hang out and have parties. We had an awesome party for @ladyceres birthday. We had party bags and *everything*.

    Towards the end, I hung out with @ladyceres a lot, and it was very special. I'm in the UK and she's in the US, and it was a way of being 'together' - chatting in the game felt way more close than using IM. We spent the End of the World together, alone in a street in Nottis.
  • wow so many loners, reading just the first words of each post is amazing xD
    well, may i join the club? i was and likely will still be a loner

    most of my time in glitch went in explorating every existing street there was, and trying to unlock any skill there was, just wanted to know what was possible to do
    while doing that i came across many people, some i still remember now
    but more than anything i was and still am interested in secrets and hidden things to discover, being them into the game from the start or left around by others
  • I loved spending time in my workshop, making all kinds of potions, I also loved decorating my home street/house. Naming my piggies and butterflies. Jumping on the furniture when a friend visited. Gardening and chatting with others in the community gardens. Mining in the caves. Giving Random Kindness and Huggs. So many things to do!!! At any time I could do something to jive with the mood I was in. Hoping every day the world of Ur will be open again.
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