Woohoo, I'm an Alphateer, now! I set up right away on Khoul Bheens as home for now, because KHOUL BHEENS FOREVER!
I had to explore some old favorite places, of course.
Found some notes left around!
We tried to have a New Year's party, but I'm not sure anyone managed to show up at the same time. Still, it was fantastic to be in Ur again for the new year!
The other day we had an impromptu party on Gregarious Grange! I've been carrying that E around on my head ever since, but I'm not complaining. I think I know how to get rid of it but honestly I like it rather a lot, especially since we don't have many wardrobe options yet.
Today I found out what happens when you try to get a fresh bottle of fertilidust from the tester tool and accidentally click "emblems" instead... while your bags are full of chicks and butterflies.
I kind of felt like I had peed myself, only I was standing in a puddle of emblems. Oops.
@"Scarlett Bearsdale" brought up the gardens she's been so kindly placing on our temporary streets. Of course, they act like our old gardens from our homestreets...so...
Here I thought my garden was looking weird...but then I realized...wow, it's been a long time since...
I broke my garden because the plots wore out...
If you forgot what the project requires, like I did...here's what you need to fix a broken large herbal garden...
And boy, I forgot how much energy these things took from ME!!!
But finally, you can get to this screen! Yippie! My first project completed!!!
Now, I remember why these were so fun to fix/complete on other people's homestreets!!
Working on my icons! Lem, Spriggan, and Humbaba first, for all my explorations, tree planting and reviving, and spreading animal life to Ur! Unfortunately piggies still tend to die really easily so I'm not even keeping any on my home street except as piglets. And yes, I still love my E.
I see @"ser wampus" beat me to post a picture from an impromptu party in Gregarious Grange yesterday afternoon. It is nice that we don't have to schedule parties to get a group of people to play any more...it's nice that you can just yell in global "party at GG" and folks just show up with potions and fun...here's a couple more pictures of the fun...
I had to appreciate those that could party and multi-task at the same time! Even the chicken was trying to join in the fun...
Here's one of @serenitycat pausing in mid-air...though you can't really tell since we're all jumping...but I thought I'd post the snap anyway.
After this the party got a bit weird with a bunch of Alice in Wonderlanding happening, so it was best to not take pictures....if you know what I mean...
One a separate note...It still cracks me up to take 'smashed' pictures...even better when you throw the 'shift' filter on the picture.
Still wondering what is coming soon...and clearly this is even longer than a stoot soon...
I can't wait to hold conversations with bubble trees again. There was a very large whimsy deficiency in my life when Glitch went away ... I'm so excited to see it coming back to life.
These pictures are all making me so eager to play. I find myself screaming, "Post more, imagine more! Let's all sit around, tell stories, and act COMPLETELY BONKERS!"
Last night I think I spent a good 5 hours looking around the forum for stories and such, I don't know why lately all I can think about is Glitch! 0_0 I have been thinking of finding some cute Glitchy baby things for my nursery. Pregnancy hormones at their best I'd say. Oooops. ♡ How crazy I sound right now.
By some giant luck, I was randomly selected to be part of the Alpha. If you knew me in the game, you know I would get to the moon asap. Without even knowing about my special moon skills, the first day there Lady Ceres said to us newbies, "want to go to the moon?" Needless to say, I figured out a way to keep going back, although it's a bit bent out of shape and all its figure 8-ness isn't quite working right, it's still home.
The bouncing in Glitch was the most impressive game element to me, in its ability to make you feel like you were bouncing, and to lift your mood. It's the thing I pined for most, and so I've been doing a lot of bouncing in Eleven.
My original bouncy place, Kristel Kaos isn't accessible yet (no key!), but will hopefully be soon (I once spent a week straight in there, really.) But many other joyous bouncing places are, so here are some pics of the many bouncy places of Ur.
Moon (everlasting)
Mushrooms in Kloro
Rainbow in Groddle Water plume in Aquarius
Lava in the Vortex of Random
Update: Kristel Kaos isn't in bounce mode yet, but we improvised with rainbow potion:
I think the best part about Glitch is that while I do enjoy it, it's also super inspiring. I get so many ideas from Glitch, and I really need to start carrying a notepad or something instead of trying to hold on to the idea until I can finally post it in the Ideas thread.
@Seeen I'm a graphic designer/illustrator, and a lot of my ideas are inspired by Glitch. Even though I forgot about the game for a while, I've drawn many things that, looking back at them, were obviously left over remnants from the memories of me and my dad playing the game, and the odd humor and world that it is.
It's funny that something that I only played for a few months left such a mark. I still make jokes about things like milking butterflies and petting trees.
Incidentally, I've been lurking around the site since the beginning of last year and this is my first post, I believe, so hello everybody!
+snarkle I too am addicted to bouncing. Mere words fail to describe how much pure joy it brings. No one can bounce without feeling happy or breaking into a grin. May we meet one day in kristal kaos and jump to our hearts content.
For the badgers among you, there's no way to track achievements so I've been taking screencaps to know where I'm at. Here is a pic of my image folder. And a few selections. We're about to be reset back to zero, so I chewed a lot of ice today. And bonus level screen, because 42.
I remember in Glitch Alpha when seeing this sign caused all sorts of angst...When will the game be open again? I've finally got time to play, why can't it be open right now? F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5...
However in Eleven, seeing this sign creates all sorts of excited anticipation...OMG, there is an update coming! Can't wait to try it out! Sweet sweetness, we get new stuff to break / test! F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5...
Just prepping y'all for some fun pictures to come...we're still waiting for the sign to be removed and the game to be open, but I suspect we'll have a ton of pictures to share "soon".
It was super exciting!! Game re-opened around noon Eastern US time.
Hey, we finally got doors to some locations!! Sadly, they don't go anywhere yet, but we're excited to see them appear! It has been looking so empty in these locations without them.
Tower Street West Onto Parada Subway Groddle Forest Junction Subway
However, the biggest excitement thus far is over something we had a hint of last time... (these were taken a little bit out of time synch)
And it works! (Picture taken after some home customization - note the backgrounds aren't changeable yet)
But wait, there is more!
What to do first?!
Here's what a mostly 'free' upgraded basic house looks like...remember these?
And hey, attic storage seems to still work
I'm sure there will be many more pictures to come from the other Alphateers, but they are just a bit distracted right now breaking things. Some of our global chat issues have surfaced again, where if someone talks, everyone gets booted and reloaded...and we've all been chatty Kathys today...so there have been lots of reloads. Not all that unusual for a first day of a new release. Been good to see so many folks online at once today. But each release gets us all a little bit closer to having everyone join us in Ur.
THis part of this post was from prior release . Please excuse my tardiness to say post it sooner** It was great to see everyone come to GG (gregarious grange) ! Captain Daisy is above my head jumping in/on/through/via the rainbow. ( I think she needs a rainbow high flyer badge, lols) Of course,comical weirdness ( not scary weirdness) did ensue, we are glitchen after all. We learned to watch out for flapping chickens. Apparently , chickens see the rainbow beams very ODDLY with their range of vision and it kinda weirds them out. Sadly, No attempts at mass radiating with orbs would calm them. The piggies seem to kinda like the rainbows, almost like their little piggy hearts wished to join in on the sky high jumping. (*lightbulb* Hmm, I wonder if you piggynap one and catch it- if you could then rainbow bounce while holding it ?? Maybe should try that! Might make for piggy joy! ) . So , fun was definitely had by all. Thank you so much, again,to the devs and staffs who volunteer so much time and talent to bring Ur back! I must say, my thoughts to do with the alpha Chronicle , include a prevailing one : that Alpha is very fine ( I Lobe it , of course) , but what will make it *Stupendously GREAT* is when Alpha is complete and ALL the rest of the glitchen can come in and play together. For me, it was the people playing Glitch that made it not just a good game but a GREAT experience. I already knew, and have now met, great Alpha folks , and I look forward to meeting many more in Alpha and beyond. *** Update for you badgers ... this release ( end of Jan 2016 release ) someone has been up to some hard work to get us the ability to see our badges. I can not post a pic right now ( sorries ) , but just wanted you to know there's capability to see badges right now. !! PS , Thank you to @b3achy for posting pics for those of us alphas that struggle to post pics!
I had to explore some old favorite places, of course.
Found some notes left around!
We tried to have a New Year's party, but I'm not sure anyone managed to show up at the same time. Still, it was fantastic to be in Ur again for the new year!
The other day we had an impromptu party on Gregarious Grange! I've been carrying that E around on my head ever since, but I'm not complaining. I think I know how to get rid of it but honestly I like it rather a lot, especially since we don't have many wardrobe options yet.
Today I found out what happens when you try to get a fresh bottle of fertilidust from the tester tool and accidentally click "emblems" instead... while your bags are full of chicks and butterflies.
I kind of felt like I had peed myself, only I was standing in a puddle of emblems. Oops.
Here I thought my garden was looking weird...but then I realized...wow, it's been a long time since...
I broke my garden because the plots wore out...
If you forgot what the project requires, like I did...here's what you need to fix a broken large herbal garden...
And boy, I forgot how much energy these things took from ME!!!
But finally, you can get to this screen! Yippie! My first project completed!!!
Now, I remember why these were so fun to fix/complete on other people's homestreets!!
impromptu party in GG
I had to appreciate those that could party and multi-task at the same time! Even the chicken was trying to join in the fun...
Here's one of @serenitycat pausing in mid-air...though you can't really tell since we're all jumping...but I thought I'd post the snap anyway.
After this the party got a bit weird with a bunch of Alice in Wonderlanding happening, so it was best to not take pictures....if you know what I mean...
One a separate note...It still cracks me up to take 'smashed' pictures...even better when you throw the 'shift' filter on the picture.
Still wondering what is coming soon...and clearly this is even longer than a stoot soon...
Last night I think I spent a good 5 hours looking around the forum for stories and such, I don't know why lately all I can think about is Glitch! 0_0 I have been thinking of finding some cute Glitchy baby things for my nursery. Pregnancy hormones at their best I'd say. Oooops. ♡ How crazy I sound right now.
The bouncing in Glitch was the most impressive game element to me, in its ability to make you feel like you were bouncing, and to lift your mood. It's the thing I pined for most, and so I've been doing a lot of bouncing in Eleven.
My original bouncy place, Kristel Kaos isn't accessible yet (no key!), but will hopefully be soon (I once spent a week straight in there, really.) But many other joyous bouncing places are, so here are some pics of the many bouncy places of Ur.
Moon (everlasting)
Mushrooms in Kloro
Rainbow in Groddle
Water plume in Aquarius
Lava in the Vortex of Random
Update: Kristel Kaos isn't in bounce mode yet, but we improvised with rainbow potion:
It's funny that something that I only played for a few months left such a mark. I still make jokes about things like milking butterflies and petting trees.
Incidentally, I've been lurking around the site since the beginning of last year and this is my first post, I believe, so hello everybody!
For the badgers among you, there's no way to track achievements so I've been taking screencaps to know where I'm at. Here is a pic of my image folder. And a few selections. We're about to be reset back to zero, so I chewed a lot of ice today. And bonus level screen, because 42.
However in Eleven, seeing this sign creates all sorts of excited anticipation...OMG, there is an update coming! Can't wait to try it out! Sweet sweetness, we get new stuff to break / test! F5, F5, F5, F5, F5, F5...
Just prepping y'all for some fun pictures to come...we're still waiting for the sign to be removed and the game to be open, but I suspect we'll have a ton of pictures to share "soon".
Hey, we finally got doors to some locations!! Sadly, they don't go anywhere yet, but we're excited to see them appear! It has been looking so empty in these locations without them.
Tower Street West
Onto Parada Subway
Groddle Forest Junction Subway
However, the biggest excitement thus far is over something we had a hint of last time...
(these were taken a little bit out of time synch)
And it works! (Picture taken after some home customization - note the backgrounds aren't changeable yet)
But wait, there is more!
What to do first?!
Here's what a mostly 'free' upgraded basic house looks like...remember these?
And hey, attic storage seems to still work
I'm sure there will be many more pictures to come from the other Alphateers, but they are just a bit distracted right now breaking things. Some of our global chat issues have surfaced again, where if someone talks, everyone gets booted and reloaded...and we've all been chatty Kathys today...so there have been lots of reloads. Not all that unusual for a first day of a new release. Been good to see so many folks online at once today. But each release gets us all a little bit closer to having everyone join us in Ur.
@tuqui Ditto!
Of course,comical weirdness ( not scary weirdness) did ensue, we are glitchen after all.
We learned to watch out for flapping chickens. Apparently , chickens see the rainbow beams very ODDLY with their range of vision and it kinda weirds them out. Sadly, No attempts at mass radiating with orbs would calm them. The piggies seem to kinda like the rainbows, almost like their little piggy hearts wished to join in on the sky high jumping. (*lightbulb* Hmm, I wonder if you piggynap one and catch it- if you could then rainbow bounce while holding it ?? Maybe should try that! Might make for piggy joy! ) . So , fun was definitely had by all.
Thank you so much, again,to the devs and staffs who volunteer so much time and talent to bring Ur back! I must say, my thoughts to do with the alpha Chronicle , include a prevailing one : that Alpha is very fine ( I Lobe it , of course) , but what will make it *Stupendously GREAT* is when Alpha is complete and ALL the rest of the glitchen can come in and play together. For me, it was the people playing Glitch that made it not just a good game but a GREAT experience. I already knew, and have now met, great Alpha folks , and I look forward to meeting many more in Alpha and beyond.
*** Update for you badgers ... this release ( end of Jan 2016 release ) someone has been up to some hard work to get us the ability to see our badges. I can not post a pic right now ( sorries ) , but just wanted you to know there's capability to see badges right now. !!
PS , Thank you to @b3achy for posting pics for those of us alphas that struggle to post pics!