Where is everyone?



  • I have been alpha testing for a long time. (used up two keyboards on my laptop!) We are making progress. We have come a long way. There is still a lot to do to make it as great as Glitch was. The devs are giving all they can to the project.
    Hang in there
  • I can't believe you all have been working on this for so long! I was so upset when Glitch closed. Excited to see everything when it's ready!!
  • I just joined up but I've been reading the updates for awhile, just sort of waiting patiently~!
  • Sandrine, Bluto and I (Tawanda) are here in AZ!
  • I just can't wait to see this game again! There's nothing quite like it! I miss playing so much.
  • Fellow Child of Ur here! Cannot wait to return to the chillest world to ever exist. I miss it so much 8( But super excited for what is to come! Love and good vibes to all my brothers and sisters, I cannot wait to make your acquaintances!
  • will meet you in the world when you come
  • *peeks and and waves*
  • I miss Glitch so much. I'm glad Eleven is trying to keep the spirit alive. ♥
  • we are the game is making progress slowly
  • Still looking for volunteers other than for testing? Any specific skill sets needed?
  • Miss all my Glitchen buddies and the fun we had together. I've been playing a couple of other enjoyable games and waiting...waiting...waiting for Eleven Giants to be ready.
  • I'm here too! I keep popping in to check for updates. I have so much appreciation for everyone that works so hard on bringing back such a great game!
  • I had to reset my computer to the original settings and lost the download for the sandbox testing. Does anyone have the link to the download?
  • edited March 2023
    The link for the client download is here: https://humbaba.elevengiants.com/download-temp-client
  • Hello, hello! I'd love to help the testing out however I can ... I miss Glitch so.
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