What didn't you like doing?
I'm just curious. I'm not suggestion that the devs change anything. The game was so varied that I'm sure there were different things that bugged us just like there were different things that we loved the most.
I hated milking butterflies, squeezing chickens, feeding batteflies and brushing foxes (really hate this one a lot). I was thrilled when towers opened so I could buy those resources and never need to milk a butterfly again. How about you?
I hated milking butterflies, squeezing chickens, feeding batteflies and brushing foxes (really hate this one a lot). I was thrilled when towers opened so I could buy those resources and never need to milk a butterfly again. How about you?
FYI, you don't need to feed batterflys. I never did. I always went into the Caverns and Deeps early in the mornings and just picked up guano. I could usually get at least 40 in one trip through there. It should be easier right now because there are so few of us playing. I did pretty well when there were thousands in the game.
I also didn't love the quests that made me work with others, since I'm sort of shy and awkward. It *still* makes me feel awkward. LoL. But I vowed to myself that I'd be more social this time around.
Logging out.... lol
In all seriousness dealing with the sloths was never my thing, but hey to each their own.
I just wanted to do whatever, man. Explore or something. I'm liking them a lot more now tho!
I felt the same about fox brushing. It felt very fiddly to me at times.