The Art of Glitch Book

edited September 2015 in Off Topic
My Art of Glitch book arrived on Saturday! Aaaand... I actually found out about Eleven through the book! I was wondering if anyone else has received their book yet and what they think of it.


  • Not yet. Looking forward to it very much.
  • Still waiting. *sigh*
  • I think they're mailing out the higher reward tiers first.
  • *Sigh* Even in Glitch, the 1% have influence. :/
  • I'm definitely not in the 1% (irl or in Glitch). If I did have influence though, I would much rather prefer to have one of my snaps in the book.
  • I can't wait to see what it looks like
  • Yippie! The Book arrived! Such bitter-sweet memories, names & faces so loved & missed.
    The Book itself is beautiful, artwork/places so well done...wish I were home in Marrakesh (sp?)Meadow....wish there was more pages, more, more, more,,,,BUT, so satisfied and grateful to Brent for such a labor of Lube...thank you always...

  • I wished there were more pages too! (Like, all of the game cataloged in a book - which I know is crazy!) Regardless, I am so happy that we got a book! And the music too! (It makes me feel kind of sad and homesick when I hear the Uralia track.)
  • I got mine Friday! I was thrilled with the quality. I am thankful Brent and Brandi stuck with it. I am so glad they took the time to deliver the product they did instead of rushing it and sending out a subpar memorial. So excited for these guys to be getting closer to let us in, too. Thanks to all!!
  • In case any of y'all missed buying the book, the lovely kukubees are selling PDF copies online and are even investigating selling a softcover version:
  • I'll order one as soon as finances improve a bit. I'd dearly love to have a Glitch-theme skin for my 17" laptop.
  • Mine arrived and I love it! I'm so glad to have such a beautiful keepsake.
  • The book is a lovely reminder of what was.

    I truly miss my Glitch friends. ❤
  • And... What is to be again DeeBee... :)
  • I think I'll look exactly the same, in honour of....... MYSELF!
  • I'm super late to this discussion but I did get my book. So beautiful, and I'm so glad I was able to get one. :)
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