Collecting Craftybots
Near the end of glitch I got really excited for a second when I saw I could set my crafty bot to make things(I'm not a tester...yet). I tried it, and he/she just sat there. Turns out it wasn't that cool after all. What I was hoping for was it would disappear and come back in a few hours/days with what I wanted. Should craftybots do something like this? What I'm thinking of is you set it a task you have the skills to do, give him a few ingredients/things to make ingredients to speed it up(if you give it everything it's just done like normal), then you send off with a button and it goes off into the actual world and does that task from the bottom up, like gathering the spice off of actual spice trees, then changes it, then cooks something. Opp for strangers to help? For gardening stuffs crafty buys it off auction? Has it own garden? Makes you have to give it seeds if so? Anyway it comes back and charges you for how much work he did and how long it took him/what he bought off the auction. If you don't pay it puts it on the auction or something. Just thought it would be better to have crafty be an entire 'nother element to the game.
Maybe I should when we start again!!