Past and Planned Street Specialization
This is a place to discuss what you may have specialized in on your street before, and what you plan on this time around! This will also help if we are looking to coordinate and try to get a variety of resources on specialized streets. It also serves as a place to reminisce about what we had built before!
I'll start: I had a street mainly of animals previously, but this time I plan on specializing in Beryl rocks (I love the color!) with a display of shrines
I'll start: I had a street mainly of animals previously, but this time I plan on specializing in Beryl rocks (I love the color!) with a display of shrines

--Please be kind and replant/water all herb/crop allotments
@Sanotsuto - Beryl
@vesperina - Spice
@FlatEarther - Bubble/Crops
@Liathea - Beryl/Dullite
@DiddilyPuff - Wood
@PomegranateSeed - Spice
@ErisLordFreedom - Purple Flowers (Alt. Barnacles/Fireflies)
@Kassutera - Herbs/Crops
@OtterMadness - Freebies/Gifts
@Lucidess - Fireflies
@Djabriil - Sparkly/Metal (Alt. Freebies)
@Artemis - Spice/Surprise
@chaos - Herbs (specifically Yellow)
@PrincessFi Herbs/Flowers/Potions
(I'll keep a running list of who plans on specializing in what so that people can see what is sufficient and what is lacking in case they wish to design around that
I can't wait to get a tower up and running again. My old one was "H.P. Lovecraftables" since my username was "Girlthulhu". My butler's name was "Bea Arthur", and I plan on bringing her back in Eleven, so maybe my tower will be a Golden Girls joke.
I believe I had purchased things from your tower in the last game, and I look forwards to purchasing from it again in this one (and petting your trees
Want me to put you on the list for bubble trees/crops?
@Sanotsuto Ah! You used to go to my tower! So, we're basically already UrBFFs and I evidently forgot.
And i changed what was on mine quite a bit only thing that always stuck was house, tower, and a free item pile, it was on a route
(Mind you, I was trying to fill SDBs with tree stuff and rock stuff and animal stuff as a personal challenge, so 'a small amount of something' rarely came into play...)
For the most part, Glitch had the best community in the universe, but a few bad apples could really ruin your day (or, at the very least, your street).
I joined too late to really get in on the routes. I would've been happy being part of the firefly route, though.
I loved having a dedicated purple room in my tower, with Scion beanbags and a little Uralia table with a meditation orb, and purple wallpaper, and stacks of free essence and flowers so people could go on purple journeys. (I figured if people started being jerks about it, I'd put them up for sale instead of giving them away. It didn't happen.)
I loved the Scion of Purple, on a level that I loved only the bubble trees, and I loved Uralia themed furniture. If you end up recreating that in any form (well, and probably if you don't, too), I'll make sure to drop by xD
Do you want me to add you to the running list of plans (if you have any)?
(Also, would you know how I can tag names such as yours with spaces? I've tried underscores and hyphens, but to no avail.)
I would happily be listed as a source of purple (although there was never a Purple Flower route, because the stuff grew so fast you didn't need one). I intend to rebuild my tower and Purple Meditation Chamber to stock with Essence of Purple as soon as I can--but depending on how long the skills take to learn and resources to gather, that probably won't be right away. (I want to create my purple medit chamber IRL. Been trying to think of the best way to do that.)
Thinking about it, I'd be happy to host barnacle pods and a few fireflies. (I'd host swarms of fireflies, but that doesn't work; if they're too close, you call them from the next hive and they disperse before you can gather them.) From what I heard, I was about the only glitch in Ur who liked scraping barnacles.