When I first started playing games I needed a name. The ones I liked seem to always be taken. So my granddaughter suggested the name BoxySister (it was he first stuffed animal)..not a problem as it is never taken and odd enough to be remembered.
My name comes from Domenico Dragonetti, an italian composer and double bass player that used play in the orchestra of the King's Theatre (at London) during 18th century. Here's a video in case you want to check it out some of his compositions are amazing.
This is a great idea! I love reading these stories.
I don't have an amazing and very interesting story for mine either. My name is William, so at a young age I wanted to get a nickname because william was too common. Billy was also too common so I went with willy. Well, wuilyl, came from trying to setup a runescape nickname because I was bad at mesmerizing usernames, so i wanted something close to my name, so literally I think I randomly typed it out, I really don't remember off hand. Now, my sibblings think I did it because we pronounce it wooly-ule, so close to my nickname. I do not know exactly. Also that username has now stuck, for sites still accept that short name, though fewer do no, and it is almost never taken. I think I found one site where it was taken.
It was a summer afternoon a decade and a half ago. I had a name I wanted to use, but it was too common thanks to people thinking it was edgy and hip and so I decided I needed a name that fit my demeanor. So, I took the words "See All" and started toying about with the spelling to see if I could find something that would give me a similar pronunciation without calling myself "Seeall" (immediately pretentious) or "Seal" (I'm in the furry fandom, and that feels like a cat calling themselves Cat, though I don't identify as a seal). Eventually, I arrived at Xial (pronounced Zeal; does not rhyme with a brand of soap).
The name has stuck with me, though there seems to be someone out there that has tried to impersonate me a few times, and it's irritating. I even had one of them tweet at me on Twitter, asking me to change my name so they could have it. lol, no, you're a random egg on the twitters that has had an account for three days. not happening.
I only wanted to try it out, I started dabbling with inexpensive acrylics and a pair of bamboo knitting needles, just to see what I could do. Found some fingering-weight mystery yarn in a back alley clearance bin, started my first lace project.....and that's really where it started to get out of hand, soon I was using four, five bamboo DPNs at a time.
It wasn't long until I was using both mine and my mom's credit cards to buy more and more elaborate fiber content, she still doesn't even think of it as a problem. "A lady can never have too many shawls." she said, until the number I had given to my grandmother started making the furniture bow.
I haven't played too many games before Glitch and before the name was never displayed so it didn't really matter... As a username I usually use a cuter form of my real (german) name my mom used to call me (Christine -> christinchen, or christinch3n, if there was another Christine using my name already >.< ). For Glitch I wanted something special and less .. uhm .. reality-related! So I googled for a website for "elvish names" and looked at prefixes and postfixes. For some reason I wanted to have a "th" in the name, ... and that's what I settled for and it sticks.
I think my name on the original Glitch was April Deacon, a derivative of April Diamond: the month I was born in, and its respective birthstone. My username on most stuff was AprilDiamond2001, although I've since graduated to things that make me sound a little... worldlier? Felix is my real name, and since I'm trans and still getting used to it, it felt weird to sign up with a pseudonym. Arclight is a random word, which I once used as a name for a cyberpunk OC. Hence, Felix Arclight.
Mine was a change to my initial Youtube/Twitch user name, BlackFenixGaming. Felt like that was really cheesy and decided to change it. Everyone called me BFG anyway, so I based it on that. I change it every couple of years, though, and I'm about due for another.
I don't have an amazing and very interesting story for mine either. My name is William, so at a young age I wanted to get a nickname because william was too common. Billy was also too common so I went with willy. Well, wuilyl, came from trying to setup a runescape nickname because I was bad at mesmerizing usernames, so i wanted something close to my name, so literally I think I randomly typed it out, I really don't remember off hand. Now, my sibblings think I did it because we pronounce it wooly-ule, so close to my nickname. I do not know exactly. Also that username has now stuck, for sites still accept that short name, though fewer do no, and it is almost never taken. I think I found one site where it was taken.
The name has stuck with me, though there seems to be someone out there that has tried to impersonate me a few times, and it's irritating. I even had one of them tweet at me on Twitter, asking me to change my name so they could have it. lol, no, you're a random egg on the twitters that has had an account for three days. not happening.
I only wanted to try it out, I started dabbling with inexpensive acrylics and a pair of bamboo knitting needles, just to see what I could do. Found some fingering-weight mystery yarn in a back alley clearance bin, started my first lace project.....and that's really where it started to get out of hand, soon I was using four, five bamboo DPNs at a time.
It wasn't long until I was using both mine and my mom's credit cards to buy more and more elaborate fiber content, she still doesn't even think of it as a problem. "A lady can never have too many shawls." she said, until the number I had given to my grandmother started making the furniture bow.
I wish I knew how to quit....
I haven't played too many games before Glitch and before the name was never displayed so it didn't really matter... As a username I usually use a cuter form of my real (german) name my mom used to call me (Christine -> christinchen, or christinch3n, if there was another Christine using my name already >.< ). For Glitch I wanted something special and less .. uhm .. reality-related! So I googled for a website for "elvish names" and looked at prefixes and postfixes. For some reason I wanted to have a "th" in the name, ... and that's what I settled for