Will the mysteriously spawned things still mysteriously spawn?
A discussion over in the Ur - What Remains group on Facebook reminded me of a lifechanging salad in a tree on Lowan Len. So, I'm curious, will Eleven include the mysteriously spawned things? 
I'm not crazy; it's been documented in the old forums:
(1) http://www.glitchthegame.com/forum/general/19584/
(2) http://www.glitchthegame.com/forum/general/13738/
If you're wondering how it changed my life, after the salad, I dedicated my Glitch life to Lem and Pot, travelling through Ur and slipping people free food.

I'm not crazy; it's been documented in the old forums:
(1) http://www.glitchthegame.com/forum/general/19584/
(2) http://www.glitchthegame.com/forum/general/13738/
If you're wondering how it changed my life, after the salad, I dedicated my Glitch life to Lem and Pot, travelling through Ur and slipping people free food.
Brunnan Bafflings - Jar of Honey
Lowen Len - Big Salad
Boda Apta - Cheese Plate
Mina Misses - Carrot Margarita
Dunlin Roble - Carrot
Lorme Rush - Birch Syrup
Ora Soon - Gamma's Pancake
Raudan Sparkle - Honey
Simpele Slip - Salmon and Beer
Toisi Trappings - Planks
Uko Grips - Apples
Akkas Apparata - Hearty Groddle Sandwich
Venet Root - Lemons
Lampaan Avert - Cloud 9 Smoothies
Poro Nella - Sparkly
Malaren Urge - Cloudberry Jam
Groddle Heights:
Vicar's Peak - Ix Braised Meat
Groddle Meadow:
Martleby Hare - Powder of Mild Fecudity and Flaming Humbaba
Ilmenskie Deeps:
Ajaya Bliss - fancy pick
Nandak Intention - Blue Bigger Bag
East Spice - Old Spice, Camphor and Allspice
Flipside - Turmeric
Guillermo Gallera Way - Nutmeg
Svarta Swale - Bubble Tea
somewhere in Kalavana - 5 music boxes
Hakusan Heaps - Emotional Bear
Masod Match - Earthshaker
Yugadi Yearns - Cheese Platter
Kebra Glories - Lemburger
Sheba Shales - Slow Gin Fizz
Afar Whence - Carrot Seeds
Otkybrya - Earthshaker
On a related note, Glitch Strategy has spawn points for keys and identifies what keys are needed to unlock what door, but you probably already know about this.
I feel so wonderfully unhelpful with my vague recollections, but maybe they'll spark clearer memories in someone else.
Favor: Tii Quoin
Time quoin
Rich Tagine
Flaming Humbaba
Essence of Rookswort
Favor: Mab
Several currants quoins
(top shelf in Mada Tamaha: ??nothing in 4 min.)
Spicy Grog
(Top shelf in Valuka Himsa: Ancestral spirits, 4 min)
Spicy Grog
Favor: Lem
Hot & Fizzy Sauce (4 min)