How do you pronounce Oktyabrya?
I usually pronounce it awk-TIE-ah-Bry-ah, where the "y" syllables rhyme with "dry." But for a while I pronounced it awk-tya-brya, where the Y's were consonants. That got hard to say, even in my head.
-Liza Throttlebottom-
I pronounced Cebarkul as Ce-bruh-kol and I am not sure why I did that since there isn't a U in the name lol.
As for Oktyabrya I pronounced it as Oct-ta-briah The first y was silent lol.
I like conversations like this. How do we all feel about "gandlevery?"
Gandlevery is "gandle" to rhyme with "candle" and "very" as in... "very".
I have a hard time writing down words as they sound lol
I always have trouble with "Jethimadh" am I the only one being clueless? lol
Jethimadh: I can't help with pronunciation but for spelling someone clued me in that it's like "Jedi math" with the d and th swapped ... And an extra h at the end. So I tended to call it that to myself.
Cebarkul is a lake and a town in Russia, Russian spelling Чебаркуль. Same thing, paste it in google translate and listen to pronunciation.
Hope this helps to solve this ongoing dispute!
@Morgana_theGreat I learned to pronounce Jethimadh from flask's Last Farewell to Groddle song.
Llimenskie: Chai-men-skee (Welsh "ll")
I also tended to swap sounds, so I sometimes pronounced Cebarkul as [Tser-ba-kul] instead of [Tse-bar-kul].
Ilmenskie is named after Ilmen, a part of Ural Mountains. (The word itself is an adjective, plural feminine form, as in "Ilmen Mountains".)
I pronounce it as "Ock-Tee-Ah-Bree-Ah" because it sounds comfortable to my ears, I saw some around talking about Cerbakul (which I pronounce just as the name - "Cer-bah-cool").
Interesting thread to know how do you guys pronounce those crazy names!
I called it SEH-bar-cool until I realized it was like sparkle, then it became "seh-BAR-cool", kinda like a drawn out sparkle.
Jed-ee-math. Don't ask me to spell it. I can't even copy it down correctly half the time.