
I don't know how many people are around still who remember my wife Irie, but I wanted to pass on that she died in June. Her name was Betty and she was a bubbly, joyous person in real life, even though she struggled with so much in her lifetime. She had another stroke and passed painlessly. She loved this game and I thought it fitting to let people here know how everything turned out.


  • So sorry to hear about your loss. While I did not know you guys in the game directly, I feel a strong connection regardless. Life is so fragile... and the extremely small community of Glitch mirrors that. One day there will be no one left who played Glitch... we are a rare breed, and so when one of us goes, it is a tough misfortune. However, as in Glitch, we can both Mourn and Celebrate those who've passed. Let us mourn the loss, and celebrate the life she did have.
  • I like that; thank you very much.
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