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  • Oh, this makes me so happy. I have been thinking of this game nonstop lately ♪
  • Too anxious...Dying of a heart attack and waving I luv yous:):)
  • Too anxious...Dying of a heart attack and waving I luv yous:):)

    Me tooooooo! My girlfriend now asks me every time I check my email - did you get in yet?

  • i hope i get picked
  • My heart just skipped a beat, can't wait to play-
  • I just found out about this alpha invite list today and signed up and I'm super excited about maybe eventually getting to play!!
  • Can't wait to get in here! Been waiting for YEARS and let me tell you I'm still just as excited as ever.
  • Will the notification of admission take the form of an email, or a private message on this forum? If email, could I ask what the sending address will be so I can add it to my contacts and not have it get filtered as spam? Thank you!

  • I signed up on September 2 or 3. However, I was using a powerful content blocking plugin, and I had still not fully whitelisted Google in the form, and so I am worried about whether it did go through and got to you, or if it did not.
    Please help, thank you...
  • You are on the list, Arthur13.
  • @ladyceres Yay, thank you for confirming! :D
  • Im so excited, I can't believe I haven't heard of this until now. Glitch was my whole world back when it was running. I hope I get picked!! :D
  • I'm excited too, been checking my email twice a day with my fingers crossed for the past week or so...
  • Y'all, I've come home again.
  • Eep, I know! @sarkasmo, when did you get in to alpha? I know we're all waiting excitedly for news...

  • Thank you SO much for this game as well as for adding me. I had a brain fart when I submitted and did not use the same username as my old Glitch account. Is there any way for me to change it? I was Sharmy back then, now I am mishtypoo.. it's not a big deal but thought I'd ask :)
  • @ladyceres thank you for all the work you and the other devs are doing! If you don't mind, can I very humbly ask for a status update on behalf of those of us in line? Asking with deep appreciation and excitement!

  • I will second that humble request! Checking my email every day with anticipation. :)
  • 111 people have been added since the list went up ~3 weeks ago. There are still 522 people waiting. I can't add everyone with our current hardware setup, but we're making some progress on the buggy stuff now that more people are in the world at once. The more buggy stuff we fix, the sooner we can think about accommodating more people. I'm still adding 10-15 people every week or so. If we reach critical mass with the hardware I'll have to stop for a bit. But the point of the list was to have people to pick from every time it seems like we can handle some more.

    I am roughly adding people in the order they signed up, but forum participation will certainly count for something. Shocking as it may be, people have been given access and then never logged in; not only from the current list, but harking back from my older efforts of inviting people. Forum activity generally means less of a chance of that happening, I've noticed. Anyway, no specific promises, but I'm keeping my eyes open.
  • @ladyceres thanks so much for taking the time to update us! I'm glad it's going well so far and that additions are still happening. I also can't believe anyone wouldn't use their golden ticket! Looking forward to seeing you in world!

  • Thanks for the update! It makes it a lot easier to be patient when you know what's going on :P
  • edited September 2019
    @ladyceres, that's a delightfully Glitchy number!
    Last night I dreamed that a team member said that you would be ready to open in one to two weeks, and the night before that, I dreamed that new Glitchen entered Ur via a totally new starter street choice, with a Plexus like teleporting pod, with each one delivering dream like visions of the place you were going to go to and the choice to make it permanent (begin your game there) and even more.
    An edit: Did someone ever ask a Glitch team member what was their hardware setup? If it's not too expensive, perhaps you could replicate it. :D
  • We know what Tiny Speck's hardware setup was, yes. As we are still self-funding, we can't get there yet. We will not accept funds from other people until we feel certain we have a product. Money creates expectations for lots of things, and we've been careful to avoid that scenario. If we have enough stability that we feel confident it's time for more hardware, we may eventually turn to the community for donations to keep the servers funded.
  • Thank you for your updates!! I'm happy to take someones log in who never used it :P Otherwise patiently waiting! Children of Ur server is down unfortunately, which I've been logging into to "hold me over" so to speak. Anyways, thanks again! And cant wait!
  • Super excited to eventually get back in Ur! Been following Eleven since the beginning, and I'm so thankful that we are getting this opportunity!
  • Thanks to everyone who's worked so hard on getting to this point! Nice to see so many others excited as I am!
  • I signed up a week or so ago and... It sounds silly, but just knowing I'll be added at some point makes me happy. Thanks to the devs for the hard work.
  • I want to echo the appreciation for the work and dedication to this project!

    I do feel like I've gotten caught in a Catch-22 of my own devising, though. I signed up on these forums a good long while ago, but since the Alpha was closed and invitations were very limited, I couldn't too excited about the chance of playing again - I honestly didn't see it happening after the first year. Managing those expectations, I didn't really become or stay active on the forums. Now seeing that forum activity plays a part in invitations, I'm kicking myself...and also, COMPLETELY COINCIDENTALLY posting on the forums again.
  • 111 people have been added since the list went up ~3 weeks ago. There are still 522 people waiting. I can't add everyone with our current hardware setup, but we're making some progress on the buggy stuff now that more people are in the world at once. The more buggy stuff we fix, the sooner we can think about accommodating more people. I'm still adding 10-15 people every week or so. If we reach critical mass with the hardware I'll have to stop for a bit. But the point of the list was to have people to pick from every time it seems like we can handle some more.

    I am roughly adding people in the order they signed up, but forum participation will certainly count for something. Shocking as it may be, people have been given access and then never logged in; not only from the current list, but harking back from my older efforts of inviting people. Forum activity generally means less of a chance of that happening, I've noticed. Anyway, no specific promises, but I'm keeping my eyes open.
    This makes me want to excitedly ask what place I am at in the queue, but I also very much don't want to do that, because getting inundated with those requests seems scary and answering them seems a poor use of your time. So, instead, just going to wait here patiently with my fingers crossed.
  • KeeKee
    edited January 2020
    Have been excited to hear this news ever since it was published, thank you so much for all the updates!! I've also just realised that although I've already created an account a few months back, I never actually confirmed my email address. Have been wondering why I wasn't able to post for so long lol... assumed it was just a problem with my browser. If it's alright, may I ask if this mean my name is still on the list? Or not, (as I somehow managed not to register properly?)
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